Flowers have beauty, color, sweetness and fragrance in abundance. They receive everything from somewhere without desire. They are contended and fulfilled in themselves absolutely. They do not have the fear of discarded or taken for granted or getting manipulated. Many of them go unnoticed but do not regret about it. Flowers do not blame others for the fate. Even when cut from the root they just struggle to live in abundance and smile without showing the sufferings.
Flowers are born to spread the message of love and joy. They give in abundance so that the one who receives get really surprised. They do not need recognition or approval and thus live in complete happiness in life. People use them to get happy themselves enjoying the natural beauty delivered by the nature. They understand that abundance begin with appreciating that good qualities or blessing already present. They teach us to love and give away the portion of our abundance, by sharing with human beings.
Flowers are being used in worship, best wishes, to express sorry feeling, for decoration and ceremonies as the most liked form of creation. It is by constant giving that they are being appreciated for tenderness and beauty. They do not own anything except what is being given to them by nature and thus happy with what they have. There is no feeling of scarcity as their inner quality itself is to live abundance and not related to any external factors.
Plants use carbon dioxide that is left out by human beings as waste and give back oxygen in abundance. What a benevolent act for which they are being appreciated by mankind. Flowers are born from this kind act and thus extremely beautiful. Let more people in this world make use of them to learn and practice happiness in their life by getting contended and giving away themselves. Sharing the surplus happiness in the circle of relationships even increase the joy. So let us send flowers as a token of love and joy to so many others to enlighten them. Online order for door delivery is one of the best methods adopted all over the world by those who understand this.