Enjoy every moment of life without expecting anything else than the original purpose for which we are being created. There was surely no benefit in the mind of creator than just experiencing the joy. Later in our life more and more purposes were added. We became ambitious, selfish and made our own world within. Real purpose of life is lost somewhere during the journey when the aim is on something that is not ever lasting.
How Does Flowers Show Us The Purpose of Life?
Learn from flowers cut from their stem for they show us how to smile even when they know the life is too short. They make their last attempt to absorb water and remain fresh as long as possible. It is their duty to live as long as they can to make this world colorful, beautiful and help the human beings rejoice. This day in hand is the most important fact and they just need their food and a suitable atmosphere to live.
Your message about life is passed on the recipient who is welcomed, or greeted with a nice bunch of flowers. In fact when you say Happy Birthday, it is a reminder of real purpose of life. It takes away the mind from the busy schedule of earning money, position and things which are just means to the end. Anniversary reminds about the life together towards a common goal that is supposed to be experienced every day.
Every problem or difficulty is just a situation in life that would pass very soon. Those are small hurdles in the journey towards the main purpose of joy. A divine action is always taking place of its own towards the fulfillment of it. We just need to be simple and unified with this great natural power to experience the joy. When we involve many other people in to this and convey the message, benefit that receives would be more.