When you think of presenting something big, beautiful and beyond value, 50 red roses bouquet may come to mind. An attractive presentation of roses and its surprise delivery may have a great influence on any lady. She may find it as an interesting proposal and accept without a doubt. Therefore, those who wish to spend money on a precious gift may go for a bouquet of 50 roses. Not only that it may have sudden impact, but it will stay in memory for years to come. But, do you know how to choose and order it for home or office delivery? This article may help you decide better and ensure the right action.
Go for the Height 60 to 70 CM Roses
In order to have the best appearance and thus long lasting impact of flower delivery, choose 60 to 70cm long roses to make 50 roses bouquet. Most of the days, long roses are available with the flower shop. However, it is safe to ask them to make use of the longest available roses for the bouquet.
Choose the Best Wrapping
As far as the presentation of a flower bouquet is concerned, the color and style of the wrapping makes all the difference. Most of the flower shops in Dubai, follow the below three patterns for wrapping 50 red roses.
- Red wrapping and satin ribbon bow
- Off-white wrapping and red ribbon bow
- Black wrapping and red ribbon bow
Ensure The Florist Using Fresh Roses Only
Fair and genuine florists in Dubai will always provide fresh roses. Especially when you order online for a big bouquet, it is important to instruct about the quality. Freshness and durability are the two most important factors to take care while ordering roses in Dubai.
Arrange as Per Order without Fillers
It is better to avoid fillers in between the roses when the number of roses is 50 or more. Usually, when the flowers are less, fillers help to make it look better. But, in case of big bouquet of red roses, it is better to arrange the roses closely and make a bunch. However, it is advisable to use leaves or gypsophila around the roses to get a perfect finish.
Ask for Bouquet that Can Stand on Table
If it is possible to keep the bouquet straight on a table upon receiving it is really good. Florist may use the watered sponge and insert the stems on it before wrapping. Another way to make the roses stand on table is to spread the stems and ensure equal height of all of them.
Check for the Delivery Time and Confirm
Finally, it is about the time of delivery at given address. Making sure it is reaches the recipient on time especially if it is in office address is important. It is also better to place an order in advance for next day delivery. In any case, always get a confirmation about the date and time range to ensure there is no mistake.