A hand bouquet of fresh flowers is a bunch of same variety or different varieties of flowers put together. This makes a perfect gift on any occasion to anyone. But the color, size, and flower type need to select as per the occasion and also the age and sex of the recipient.
1) Tell your florist to insert the stems of the flower bouquet into a pouch of water or into a piece of water foam before wrapping with a cellophane sheet so that the flowers will last longer.
2) Tell your florist the sex of the person to whom you wish to give the bouquet so that he can select the flowers and wrapping paper accordingly
3) Tell your florist the occasion for which you are giving the flower bouquet so that he can select the color, type of flowers, and wrapping materials accordingly.
4) Tell the florist your idea of long stem or short stem for the flowers so that he can select the flowers accordingly.
5) Ask the florist for a greeting card to write the message to give and to attach the card to the hand bouquet of fresh flowers in a suitable way.
To arrange and deliver a flower bouquet anywhere in Dubai, even same day contact our flower shop and get the service of flowers delivery in Dubai Our contact number 0097143420250 / 00971504236374