For the last several days red roses are in shortage with the suppliers not able to provide as per the current demand. Keeping in view of upcoming valentine day on 14th February 2014 planters have been preserving good quality roses to be sold at higher price. Demand for roses would be in its peak across the word in the month of February for celebration of Valentine day – The month of Roses.
Shortage of roses in Dubai started in the month of December for Christmas and it still continues. To store in sufficient number whenever it is available and try to get it every day to keep the required number of roses every day is the only solution. Scarcity is of 50 cm and 60 cm red roses and 40 cm would be available all days. Winter season is good for flowers sale in Dubai and other Emirates due to the holiday and number of events, exhibitions etc taking place during this time.
Bookings for Valentine Day go in full swing from 1st February. Whole sale suppliers increase prices by 8th of February as usual. Quality of roses is found to be good during the week of Valentine Day, if buyer is ready to pay higher prices. This time Valentine day is on a Friday, in United Arab Emirates and thus deliveries to offices would not be there. Customers would still order for Thursday, Saturday or Sunday or to deliver to the residence address. We hope there will be sufficient red roses on Valentine Day to serve all those who order online. One request is to make your order in advance so that we can plan the day.
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